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school canteen

The school canteen ensures meals for students, employees of educational establishments and external diners.

KINDERGARTEN           morning snack             8:30 – 8:45 a.m.
                                                  lunch            11:30 – 11:45 a.m.                   
                                   afternoon snack             2:30 – 2:45 p.m.

PRIMARY SCHOOL                  lunch   11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

SECONDARY SCHOOL            lunch    12.35 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Prices for lunch are set according to categories:

·         7-10 years old                       CZK 21

·         11-14 years old                     CZK 23

·         15 years old an older            CZK 25

·         External diners                     CZK 57

A/ by collection order to the summary account with Česká spořitelna a. s. 
    (Diners can collect an application for payment to the summary account in the school canteen
    office, Ostrčilova 1)
B/ by standing payment order to account no. 1649299339/0800
     It is necessary to collect a form for setting up cashless payment in the school canteen office,
    Ostrčilova 1!!!

Amount of payment by standing order: 
            parents of children from Kindergarten               CZK 600.00 
                        parents of school pupils                      CZK 500.00 

Payment should be effected by the 15th day of each month.

Payment of an advance for the meal price shall be made in the office of the school canteen

Office hours:    Tuesday & Thursday     7:00 – 8:00 a.m.

Failure to pay the meal price within the given deadline 
A diner will have no meals until the payment has been made.

Applications for and cancellations of meals – within 1 p.m. at the latest for the following days 
A/         diners themselves – via the order terminal 
B/         by phone to:                596 138 021
C/         mobile phone no.:        739 006 793 – not in the form of SMS 
D/         by e-mail to: 

Diners are obliged to report without delay any changes (e.g. termination of meals, departure from the school, departure from the nursery school, change in the days of meals etc.) to the school canteen office.
If a diner fails to cancel their meals in time, they are not entitled to a refund
In the event of illness, when failing to cancel their meals, diners (pupil, nursery school child) are entitled, on the 1st day of their absence, to collect their meals into food-carriers at the original price. 
They are obliged to cancel their meals for further days of illness. If they fail to do so, they will be charged the full price of the meals (financial norms, material and wage costs).


Primary school parents set strav.nasejidelna.cz/0026/ in the internet explorer, than enter the password. Each child has its own password given by the class teacher.

Kindergarden parents  set strav.nasejidelna.cz/0027/ in the internet explorer, than follow the instruction mentioned above.

 More info:

 Šárka Kaločová

Tel: 596 138 021
      739 006 793


System without meal tickets
The school canteen is equipped with a system without meal tickets; the diners use a chip or card.
A card or chip can be bought in the school canteen office from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. (Tuesday and Thursday).

For all diners, their chip or chip card are valid throughout the period when they have meals and cannot be transferred to another person. 
When it is lost or destroyed, it is necessary to buy a new one.

If a diner (school’s employee, pupil, J. Lada Nursery School child) hands over, after the termination of their attendance, their chip or card in undamaged condition, the advance payment provided will be returned to them.

For external diners and students the cards are non-returnable.
Value of chip card:                    CZK 60.00
Value of chip:                                    CZK 100.00 

TERMINAL (functions):
- ordering of dinners (button 1) 
- cancelling of dinners (button 0)
A meal purchased is marked by the letter A on the display. 

Actual organization of operation
- there is a possibility of leaving bags and personal effects in the canteen cloakroom (pay attention to wallets, mobile phones etc.) 
- in the canteen each diner shall take a tray and cutlery from the container near the serving counter
- at the serving hatch diners shall put their chip into the issue terminal and, at the same time, the cook serves the meal to them. Diners shall take themselves onto the tray a bowl with a salad or compote or possibly a dessert and beverage. Everything shall be consumed at the dining table.
- after consuming the main course diners shall take the dishes used into the hatch to the washing line where they shall sort out the dishes used 
- it is prohibited to take kitchen utensils and equipment out of the area of the school canteen

Serving of dinners outside the school canteen
Dinners can only be served into hygienically clean food-carriers (serving into glass and other unsuitable receptacles is prohibited). Unless the receptacles are hygienically clean, the dinner will not be served into such receptacles but it will only be served on a plate in the canteen.

Diners are obliged to behave in a considerate manner when eating their meals, in accordance with hygienic and social rules for dining, and are obliged to follow the instructions of the supervising pedagogue, canteen manager, chief cook or kitchen staff. 
Diners shall report injury, nausea etc. to the supervising pedagogue, canteen manager, nursery school workers. 
Diners shall report technical or hygienic defects to the canteen manager or to any of nursery school workers.
In the event that a chip card is not used for 6 months, it will be cancelled. 
The menu is placed at the entrance to the canteen area, at Kindergarten and on the school’s website –




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